
Monday, 14 November 2011

Beginning the Astral Projection Separation Process by Jolen Mavrick

I would say that 95% of beginners that try to have an out-of-body experience give up before they even get close to projecting. Beginners don't know the time or patience that is needed to master this amazing phenomenon. The good thing is that it's like learning how to ride a bike - when you master it you never forget and it will be easier every time you do it. By preparing yourself beforehand and learning about the tools that exist to guide you when attempting to project, you can reduce the time that is needed when first learning astral projection and increase your chances of success.

Astral Projecting

The astral is the spiritual place that exists beyond the perception of the physical senses. It is the plane where guides, spirits, angels, and other entities exist. It's also the place where people go once they pass on from this life to the next. There are various vibrational levels that exist in this plane and this can be what many call heaven and hell. In the upper levels you will find angels and be engulfed by a sense of complete euphoric joy. At the lower levels low vibrating entities such as what most refer to as demons and other evil spirits exist.

If you are just beginning to study astral projection then you may be a bit skeptical or confused about what exactly astral projection is. This is not some form of dreaming as many people who have not experienced it claim but a real experience with real beings in a real place. It is the act of shifting your perception from your physical body to your astral body where you can then explore new places of existence.

Beginning Reasons You Should Astral Project

The rewards of learning this technique far outweighs the problems beginners have. Whatever your objective for learning this technique keep it in your mind at all times to stay determined and enthusiastic. Here are just a few of the reasons to learn this wonderful phenomenon:

Proof of Life After Death - there is no better excitement than being comforted by immortality. This the easiest way to truly realize and prove for yourself that once you move on from this life you will still exist.
Spiritual and Personal Development - not only can we talk directly with our spiritual guides who can teach us an extraordinary amount of things, this practice is the best way to accelerate our spiritual and personal growth.

Expanding our Perceptional Awareness - We become aware of the actual universe that is simultaneously all around us. This lets us see who we truly are as spiritual beings and discover our complete purpose in this world.

Wisdom - the astral universe is the location where all wisdom exist - future, present, and past. The amount of wisdom you can tap into is limitless.

Are There Any Dangers with Astral Projection

As beginners first have the hypnagogic process it can be scary. Don't worry, it is totally natural. You may have heard a lot of false rumors surrounding astral travel as it's a pretty unknown concept. A lot of these myths are not being able to come back to your physical body once you separate, negative entities being able to enter your physical body, attracting evil beings, and even death.

Only one of these legends are not false.

It is actually possible to attract negative entities that feed off your energy. Of course you can do this in the physical too but this is all your decision and what you will allow. Just as you wouldn't go into sketchy neighborhoods at night or pray to and worship evil entities in the physical, you shouldn't go near those areas or try to communicate with them in the astral. As long as you avoid them they will stay away from you. If you do happen to meet an evil spirit while astral traveling then just request for your spirit guides or guardian angels to watch over you and you will have nothing to fear.

Initiating the Separation Process

Now that you have learned the fundamentals it's time to master how to successfully astral travel. Dedication, preparation, patience, and the techniques used correctly will all take into affect how much time it will take before having your first successful projection. If someone is dedicated and practices a lot then it can take no more time than a few of days. Usually it will be a few weeks to master if you implement all the right strategies, but if not it can take many months usually resulting in you giving up. Before trying any of the strategies be ready to set aside a minimum of 10 minutes every day to practice. How much you spend is up to you but this will determine how quickly you learn.

- This is state of consciousness we must be in before astral projection will occur. This is where the conscious mind is totally awake yet the physical body is fully asleep. It's basically a form of paralysis. getting to this state will be the hardest thing to reach when you are attempting to separate. When you can reach this level and learn to stay in it, projecting from your physical body will be extremely easy.

Advanced meditators can obtain this state quite easily but this takes many years of practice and a daily meditation schedule. There are many breathing and energy exercises out there that work well, but this can take some time. If you are serious about learning how to astral project quickly then the best way to do so is by utilizing wonderful technology such as astral projection binaural beats. These aids greatly help your success rate of separating while greatly shortening the amount of time it takes to master it.

Binaural Beats - This Technology is known as brainwave entrainment that influences your frequencies in the brain to reach required states of mind instantly. By utilizing astral projection binaural beats, they will bring your frequencies down to the hypnagogic state of mind very fast and let you stay there where you can then be able to initiate the separation process. For entrainment to work correctly it's required to wear headphones. When practicing, get comfortable, relax, and focus on the peaceful sounds of the recording. Do not attempt any astral travel strategies until you have accessed the hypnagogic state.

When do you know when you have accessed the hypnagogic state? Pretty much your body will feel totally numb. You can't move it at all and you will have tingling sensations throughout your entire body. It's almost like the same feeling you get when your limbs falls asleep except for it's completely painless. You will probably hear a slight humming sound in your head or other foreign noises that people refer to as astral static. Most beginners pay too much concentration to these vibrations and sounds which usually snaps them out of this state. Try to ignore them and stay focused on projecting.

Starting the Separation Process - It's time for the exciting part. Your first few tries you will probably not succeed. Most people starting out don't realize how intense it can be. Fear combined with the uknown, and the excitement of knowing your going to astral project for the first time will definitely snap you out of it. Don't forget to stay relaxed and don't get frustrated. Patience is a virtue.

Once in the paralysis state you will probably be able to raise your astral legs and arms pretty easily. The head will be the most difficult as it has the strongest attachment. Utilizing the basic strategies below, you will be able to easily project with very little practice.
Roll Out Method - Take your astral body and act as if you're rolling out of bed quickly. Most starters try physically rolling out of bed ending the entire paralysis state. Make sure not to attempt any physical movement but to roll out only in your mind.

The Rope - Probably one of the most successful and easiest techniques to try. A lot of people like to actually hang a piece of string from the ceiling for a starting place but this is not necessary. Imagine that there is a rope hanging down in arms reach. Hold on to it with your spiritual arms and use it to pull yourself out.

Visualization - The hardest to learn, but once done correctly, it works the best. It also depends on how great of an imagination you have. You visualize you're standing around ten feet away from your body. Imagine the area with as much detail as you can from the perspective of this area. If you can do it long enough with enough details, your spiritual body will project to that point.

Light as A Feather - Visualize that your astral body is lighter than a feather. When you sense yourself becoming lighter, you can basically separate.

Will Power - Not for beginners but with enough time you will be able to will yourself into the astral.

Beginning Tips to Control Your Astral Body

Once you have successfully projected you will now be in a new realm with new physics that are not the same as the physical realm. You will have to take baby steps to learn how to control your spiritual body. The main thing you should do is get as far as you can from your physical body as possible. Your physical body is like a magnet and it's easy to get sucked back in, especially at first when your astral body is not developed.

When in the astral plane at the beginning it may feel like you are drugged. It's strange, you get lost easily, your vision can be blurred or totally blinding, and it's difficult to move where you want to go. This is when you must master the power of your mind.

The astral realm is a much faster vibrational plane than the less subtle earth plane. Just like the physical, your consciousness creates your reality, just at a much quicker time.

With these basic tips and listening to brainwave entrainment any beginner will be able to astral travel as long as they take the time to practice.

To learn more astral projection including how to use the best tools then visit astral projection binaural beats. This technology is extremely wonderful if used correctly and has helped hundreds of people on a path to personally and spiritually growth. Learn more about them at Binaural and Beats.


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